
Instagram: an online photo/video sharing application, as well as a social networking service that enables almost anyone with a wireless device to become a photographer and capture special moments of their life. Not only can you be an photographer, but an artist applying digital filters to your photo. Being one of the most popular social mediums out there, according to, Istagram now reaches a minimum of 150 million users monthly. It is an engaging and enjoyable application that allows you to connect with others not just on the surface with text, but with an even more powerful appeal, visuals.

If you have your own or even a business account, you know first-hand just how addicting Instagram has the ability to be. So what sets it apart from other social networking sites? First, it is a simple system to use. Second, it is engaging, luring viewers in with a visual appeal. Nothing is more powerful than a visual image, especially when sharing and viewing with others. A third and major difference Instagram has on other social sites is the lack of advertising; there is none. While many companies use Instagram to promote their products/services to generate brand awareness, they can only be viewed if a user is following that specific company.

Honestly, everyone knows they rather not be bothered with ads, or as the social media world likes to call them, ‘sponsored posts.” So, naturally, recently Instagram announced that they will now be hosting ads or sponsored posts. I had a bit of an indifferent response. It was a good feeling to browse through my Instagram feed and not feel like I was unintentionally window shopping. We are all use to it but now, most prominent on Facebook, perfectly targeted ads making it difficult not to notice. But, it wasn’t just that we are seeing ads along the right column, yet all throughout the newsfeed. What once was an exciting activity to log in and see what is new with all your ‘friends’ has now turned into a completely commercialized experience. So, is this what Instagram is turning in to? Seeing how a majority of folks who use Instagram are accessing it through some type of mobile device, the likelihood of it becoming that big of a bombardment is not so. Rather while you scroll you will see what looks like a normal post but the top right corner will say “sponsored”.

Instgram Ad

However, what is unique about this experience is you can provide feedback to the ad. If you are unhappy about an ad or see an ad you do not like you can tap the “. . .” and provide feedback. Instagram says, “Our aim is to make any advertisements you see feel as natural to Instagram as the photos and videos many of you already enjoy from your favorite brand.”

This should hold true and like mentioned above, we have the ability to contribute to the customization of the ads and Instagram will do their best to tailor these ads for us. As of right now there are only a handful of Instagram partners that will be featured as ads: addias, Ben & Jerry’s, Burberry, General Electric, Lexus, Macy’s, Michael Kors, PayPal and Starwood are among these brands.

While I fully understand the necessity, success and growth that will come this, it of course is difficult to see one of our favorite social mediums no longer be ad free. We will adapt and continue to enjoy sharing and viewing out photos/videos on Instagram, yet it will be very interesting to see how these selected brands advertise using only visual images. Possibly even more interesting to see how this medium for advertising evolves in the years to come.