Overcoming the Label

After viewing the video above it is easy to say that it is one of the most influential commercials I have seen since Dove’s True Beauty campaign. I actually came across this video on Facebook, an old friend of mine posted how much she enjoyed it.  As a young women who is on a mission to make it in the business world and the confidence that I can do a job just as well if not better than some males, this commercial really hit home.

I wouldn’t say I have a very large or strong stance on woman’s rights, but I do know women are just as capable as men. In regards to this specific commercial, what was interesting to me was how after viewing this video I felt so compelled to want to work harder to reach my goals, but also how it related so much to two of the courses I studied this past semester. First, Pantene did a great job with getting their message across and really engraving it into female’s heads. ” Don’t let labels hold you back.” Not only does this commercial communicate that message perfectly, but it motivates women. Secondly, the past three and a half months I have been sitting class discussing media criticism and more specifically, gender issues, that are brought up throughout the media. Our society has come a long way from the days where men went to work everyday and women stayed home to take care of the house and children. I mean let’s be honest, the world is nothing like Don and Betty Draper from Mad Men, however, there are still underlying issues that get ignored when it comes to women in the work place. A very prominent issue is brought to light, with this video, and it is one that just like a lot of other things has developed and been coined by society throughout history.

Like I mentioned, the business world has changed a great deal since the 1960s, but it is because women had the roles they did at that time that when they go up against men they are still either not taken seriously or given an inconsiderate label like those mentioned throughout this video.

Steps will continue to be taken in order for women to find their equality in the workforce and despite what people have to say about the media, it is videos like these that empower women to overcome those labels to reach success.

Take a look at Mary Barra. The week of December 9, 2013 it was released that beginning January 15, 2014 she would take over as the new CEO of GMGeneral Motors. I have been reading countless articles about this woman and she truly proves that hard-work does pay off, beginning at GM as an intern. It seemed so ironic that I came across this video and the news about Barra was released the same week. Regardless, Barra is just another prime example of how far we have come and how the media is doing a better job at creating buzz on women and their success.

On the flip side, the aesthetics of this commercial and the emotion that it sparked could not have been done any better. Of course I am in love with the message that this video has to offer, but the way it was put together pulls you in and keeps you engaged the entire time.

Although this may already be a video that has been viewed by many, the audience deserves to continue to grow. It is a powerful message to communicate on a medium that has the ability to reach an endless amount of people. Ahhh! How media can be truly be a wonderful thing!