An Accomplished List

Work is a lovely, yet tedious place. As I become more settled in to my position, I find more projects and responsibilities begin to pile up and I see myself not only in an organizing frenzy, but frazzled about my work and what I am honestly getting done. Each day I come to work and make the popular To-Do list. A list of everything I must get done before leaving my desk each day. While totally necessary, a To-Do list keeps me organized but also drives me a little crazy. I have time each day assigned to each project, but then there are the office drop-ins, unexpected needs from other employees and a long list of things that inevitably occur every day. For someone who is a work horse and goes a little stir-crazy when all her work doesn’t get done, not accomplishing everything on that list can create some unnecessary anxiety.

It was at this point that I realized I need to start keeping a list of things that are already done, to allow myself to fully understand that while my list of things “to-do” is continuously getting longer, so is my list of things I have accomplished. Creating an “Accomplished List” has by far been that best idea I have had since my start date.  It has allowed me to see the that yes I have a lot to do but, I have accomplished even more and even just this small reminder of accomplishment is enough for me to take a deep breath, get organized and continue to chug along tackling each new task as it comes my way.

Reminding yourself that you are doing your best, working your hardest and trying to produce ideas and content to the best of your ability has been a great tactic that has worked wonders for me after entering this industry. Feeling a sense of anxiety has ultimately gotten me nowhere, but more behind and with a To-Do list that is longer than my Accomplished. The simple task of writing down what you have finished takes only seconds and provides you day-long motivation!

Accomplished List

“Industry Talk”

It has been over a month since I have begun my job and I have already learned a great deal, however there are still times I feel totally out of the loop. Walking into a company that is a part of an extremely complex industry was indeed the only apprehension I had before my start date. Despite that, I knew I was going to be doing work that I love, as well as learning about international industries that I eventually would have a great understanding of.

Being in the office and partaking in my daily duties, project responsibilities and contributing to office and ongoing conversation, has obviously helped greatly when wrapping my head around the business. However, being the social media/marketing/communications buff that I am, taking my own interests in to consideration when attempting to learn as much as possible about what goes on in the business seemed to be the most practical way of learning.

While researching for a large social media project I have been working on, I have noticed that “Industry Talk” on several social media platforms has really allowed me to get a good grasp on the ins and outs of the business, as well as what is currently going on in the industry. With the use of hashtags, trending topics that are picked up by almost every newspaper and even talked about on national news stations, manufacturing, although some may say dull, boring and technical, can produce exciting and engaging conversation topics not just between you and co-workers, but nationally and internationally.

Although I could not find a clear definition of “Industry Talk” my understanding of the term is one that represent social conversation about the industry you work in. This can be done verbally, through email and/or through social media, using hashtags(#), keywords, or links, and including the company or industry involved. Whether you are discussing something respective to your company, a topic being tossed around in the news or one that is trending on social sites, “Industry Talk” is a way to communicate your area of business at a much larger scale than those you share an office with.

Not only have I been going out of my way to search for “Industry Talk” but, I have also been trying to set myself up so the “Industry Talk” can come to me. I have taken some time to follow and will continue to follow competitors, leaders and more among the industry, on each social media site. Learning about large rugged pieces of equipment is much easier when reading from an attractive brochure, articles on national newspapers, written as editorials in trade publications or tweeted with a trending hashtag.

Depending on what industry you work in, and more specifically what department or division you are working for, taking the necessary steps to provide the easiest, most enjoyable way of mastering your industry will indeed come in handy. Along with understanding the industry better, this process will also help prepare me for a future responsibilities. Taking part in “Industry Talk” on various social sites and responding to mentions and comments are going to be a few of my future social media responsibilities. Discovering how this ‘talk’ goes down, as well as tools like, which will assist me in finding trending topics and will benefit me greatly in the near future.

Who knew that my love and knowledge of all things social would benefit me in such a rugged, male-dominate, and technical industry!?

Guess Who’s Back?

Guess who is back! That’s right. I needed to take a little time off from the blogosphere to totally concentrate on my new position. My new job is great, I really am enjoying every second of it and while I am doing the work that I love, I  am doing it in an industry that is totally new to me. This provides a brand new challenge in my life, but I am taking it one step at a time and am absorbing as much information as possible.

Now, while I am back from my temporary break, I am also here for a little flashback. Today’s post I am taking it back to the 90s, however, we really aren’t going anywhere because it looks like the 90s are right here in 2014. So much talk and so many articles have been written about how 90s fashion trends are making their return, and honestly I am loving it!

Over the past few years I have really been able to establish myself and my look; a rather preppy, classic and conservative one. And it is a known fact that I can’t pull off the hipster, grunge or punk look, but if I am going to add a little twist to my pretty consistent style, hints of the 90s is my favorite way to go!

The 90s trends that are making a comeback are:

  • overalls
  • chokers
  • slip dresses
  • backpacks
  • Birks
  • jellies
  • crop tops
  • bucket hats
  • baggy tees
  • grunge

Of course I am so pumped about this return, but let’s be real there are a few that you will not catch me in. Crop tops for one. Not for me and have strong opinions about those who do, ill keep my mouth closed. Chokers, not my style, but it’s rather astonishing when you find someone who can pull that look off!

On the other hand, Birks. LOVE! I purchased a pair in the spring, a basic taupe color. They officially have formed to my feet and I wear them whenever possible! For me, these shoes add a masculine flair to my outfits. Much of the 90s trends that are listed above allow you to pull off that tomboy look, Birks being an essential component of that look. However, with my very girly and colorful style, adding these Birkenstocks  make for the perfect balance.


My newest favorites are the jellies. Just recently I ordered a clear pair from YCMC. I am not afraid to say that most of my inspiration to purchase a pair of these came from my one and half-year old niece. Either way, I love them! I purchased a clear pair and while they are a neutral shoe that can be matched with almost anything, they add just enough edge to many of my outfits.


One of these that I have yet to try, except the fact that I use to wear them ALL the time when I was younger, overalls. Currently I do not own a pair of overalls that would fit me, however I would not be opposed to finding a pair that did and complemented me well.

It really is interesting to see how trends resurface and even more appealing to see how they remain consistent, yet there are always a few tweaks that make them vintage, but still trendy. For being one that is totally obsessed with the 90s; shows, movies, music and more, these trends coming back from the grave is an exciting time for me and for all fashion lovers. Whether you like it or not, these trends really make a statement for social trends of the 90s and although times have changed it is still fun to experiment! So find your inner Cher Horowitz, Cindy Crawford, Gwen Stefani or Winona Rider, or whoever you believe you were meant to be in the 90s, and portray your favorite 90s fashion icon!

[Tuesday’s Taste – Summer Succotash]

Succotash is defined as a dish cooked with corn kernels, mixed with beans, peppers and onions. Now although this dish contains neither beans or peppers, the cooking process and final outcome is one that resembles a meal extremely similar to succotash. This recipe also makes for a dish that is bursting with tons of color and really spruces up the dinner table (especially when you are eating on your patio!)

Enjoying a summer meal outside is one my favorite simple pleasures. When you have family and friends surrounding you, beautiful weather, and delicious food on the table, its hard to imagine a more relaxing night.

It is clear that cooking with mom has turned into something I am constantly looking forward too, and as I watch her meticulously prepare each meal it becomes much clearer why she enjoys entertaining so much. Whether you are preparing for an entire guest list or a dinner for two, bringing together those you love around the table to share pleasant conversations and delectable eats allows us all to appreciate the simple things in life! (& good food)

Tuesday's Taste

  • 1 onion (sliced)
  • 3 small zucchini (sliced)
  • 5 ears of corn
  • Sun dried tomatoes (Julienne)
  • Olive oil
  • 1/2 stick butter
  • Garlic salt
  • Pepper

1. Cut corn off the cob


2.  Saute sliced onion and zucchini in skillet with drizzled olive oil.


3. Add sun-dried tomatoes to sautéed vegetables.


4. Mix in corn sliced from cob with vegetable mixture – add butter


5. Season with garlic salt and pepper to taste. Serve and enjoy!

Summer Succotash