High Five for Friday: 8/29/2014

Happy Friday all!

  1. Today is my very first vacation day from work. Even though I am leaving for a quick DC trip later today – waking up with no urgency to get ready for work was a great feeling. I was able to relax in bed, get in a good work out and spend time with my mom – life is good.
  2. Lately the weather around here has been terrific; warm with a cool breeze. On nights like these Taylor and I love taking a walk around our neighborhood. There is honestly nothing better than a breathtaking view of the beautiful mountains in Pa.
  3. Although this past weekend was dedicated to my sister and the Corey’s new baby boy there is always room to squeeze in an adorable picture of Gretchen. This girl right here is the most beautiful ray of sunshine – she is becoming quite the young lady and any time spent with her is always time to cherish. Aunt Chitty loves you Gretchy!
  4. I stumbled on this article early this week. Levo League is a site I follow on every social media medium and I love to read the articles they post. I don’t directly work in PR – but my job requires responsibilities that PR brings. I can totally relate to this.
  5. This past week several members of my family were in town and what better way to celebrate time together than a gathering on our back patio. Far from where we want it to be – but with the help of my mom, we were able to make our outside entertainment comfortable and welcoming. Delicious food and good music is always a plus too!
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High Five for Friday


No Fashion Faux Pas

Labor Day is just around the corner and I have already been reminded to wear all of my whites before its arrival. Usually feeling pressured by fashion trends, I have always tried my best to stay between the lines. Yet, this year I don’t feel the pressures of obligation to follow the rules. Even though I still have four days before I get a day off work and I see all other bloggers write about putting their whites away – I will be pairing white tops, jeans and even wizard cloaks (yes, I call them that)  continuously throughout fall.


All styles of white not only look great on all colors of skin and hair, but allows women to carry a very confident demeanor. [ see here ] No matter what time of year white should be a staple to the female wardrobe. At one end we have the ability to portray dominance – on the other a light and organic way of showing who we are [ like pictured ]. Why should a day that celebrates the social and economic achievements of workers dictate what I put away in storage for the cool months? Despite what the high-society of the late 1800s said, in 2014 there is no reason to follow fashion rules to depict our social class.

Carry on! Wear what you love –

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Pumpkin Spice Brilliance

Studying, and now working in the marketing, advertising and communications field has allowed me to become somewhat numb to everyday marketing tactics that are used. However, when I see something that is crafty enough to get me to take a picture and write a post about – then it is a clear sign it is a marketing scheme that has not only caught my attention, but worked.


I went to grab the mail after work and this small treasure is what I found. An envelope – one that felt as if it was a personal invitation of some sort. Yet, to my surprise it was a gift from Discover. A $5 Starbucks gift card – strategically decorated in a festive orange causing one thought to cross my mind – The Pumpkin Spice Latte.

What a wonderfully executed plan by Starbucks, teaming up with Discover to deliver this gift exactly one day after its release – not to mention a solid $5 which will provide me with one deliciously crafted Pumpkin Spice Latte. The strategy, brilliance and simplicity of this perfect marketing tool has once again, allowed me to see why I love what I do how the small things can often mean the most to a customer.Starbucks

Baby Blue: Finnegan, a Party for You!

A beautiful mom, beautiful family, beautiful friends, beautiful weather – a consistent theme is clear. There is not much left to say about the baby shower that was thrown for my sister, her family and the anxious arrival of Finnegan!

Congrats Corey family. I love you all so very much and am so happy/blessed to call you family and my best friends!
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Kudos to Andrea C.!  You are SERIOUSLY the best!

Call It Spring – The Shoe Gold Mine

There is nothing more intriguing than discovering a new brand that you find is filled with items you love. Call It Spring is a shoe line that carries a wide range of shoes, from flats to heels and sandals to boots, they represent it all.

I stumbled across the brand’s store while venturing through the Mall of America. After walking in to the brightly lit and colorful store I was instantly interested and impressed, specifically in their flats. With work as such a vital part of my life now, I am constantly on the lookout for pieces I can wear to work and on the weekends. After checking out their selection, it was as if I struck gold!

The pair I picked up are Call It Spring’s CRILAMA, a navy pointed toe flat, that I have been able to mix and match with cropped pants, J. Crew dresses and jeans for a night out. Even though I was only able to walk away with one pair, the entire collection is filled with items that can play the same role in your wardrobe. Not only are the stylish and durable, but you can always find a good sale on their website, as well as in-store, which makes them the ultimate shoe shop.

Call It Spring

With such a versatile and lovely collection, I would recommend the different styles to any fashionista. As fall creeps around the corner, may I suggest these adorable ankle boots, perfect for the cool weather – it’s never too early to plan for fall fashion. (My favorite time of year!)

Ankle Boots - Call It Spring

I Don’t Have Time To Blog

A few months ago the excitement of my new job and moving in to my own home were the only things running through my head. On top of that, my blog list was almost two full pages and I was thrilled to dive right in to each topic in July. Now, it is the beginning of August, I am moved in to my house, my job is great, but my posts are non-existent.

In my mind, having my own place and getting settled in my new job would allow me to have more time than ever to write, post and totally stay up to date. Reality has proven quite the opposite.

Not only have I found myself feeling behind and unaccomplished in the blogging world, but at a mental crossroads of where to go from here. My reading and research have provided me every reason as to how and why I haven’t at all followed the rules of standardized blogging. Yet, I feel like there is still hope. Leading up to and during my time of absence my life has changed a great deal, and I feel as if my posts should reflect that. For example, as much as I plan and secure many aspects of my life, things often do not go according to plan – and that is OK. (My blog list was perfectly laid out, yet none were launched – that is OK)

I have considered giving up blogging, but realizing how much I enjoy writing and sharing, just didn’t seem right. From here on out I am going to blog my way, on my time. I now see my blog as an internal and external pin board, idea bucket, and motivation and inspirational wall. Enjoying my job, family, friends, free-time and life as a whole, is ultimately what my time here is all about. Living a simple, happy and hearty life is what I am here to do and it is in my highest hopes that you enjoy sharing it with me as much as I do.


But for now, lets play catch up-

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