[Tuesday’s Taste – Pumpkin Kiss]

Seasonal flavors are those that remind us of traditions, festive gatherings and every reason we love to be at home. For instance, a Christmas classic at my house is the peanut butter cookie with a Hershey kiss on top. My mom, my grandma’s – everyone, has made these and we all enjoy them.

This peanut butter and chocolate taste is one of my favorites. Each time I eat one I think of the Christmas and all the festivities that go along with it. You could say the exact same thing with pumpkin. The various forms in which you can eat pumpkin are a reminder that fall is here – football games, leaves changing colors, school is back in session, fall foliage and much more.

Cookies are great, but a cookie with a Hershey kiss on top is even better – because of this, I helped my mom mix-up a classic recipe, replacing peanut butter with pumpkin and making a delicious treat to complement the season.

A simple twist on a holiday favorite makes for a festive treat that can be enjoyed this time of year. My mom introduced me to this recipe and we teamed up and made them for her trip to Columbus to see my niece, Gretchen.

Adding pumpkin to the recipe instead of peanut butter gives the cookie an orange tint, as well as a taste of fall. You do not see pumpkin and chocolate paired together often, however it is a scrumptious bite and the two flavors complement each other well.  Elle Whitney - Pumpkin Kiss (10)

  • 1 stick of butter
  • 3/4 cup shortening
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 large egg
  • 4 cups flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • Small bowl of sugar to roll dough
  • 60 Hershey kisses

1. Preheat over 400 degrees

2. Cream butter, shortening, sugar and brown sugar in large bowl.

3. Mix in pumpkin and egg.

4. In a separate bowl – sift flour, baking soda, powder, salt and cinnamon. Add dry ingredients to pumpkin mixture.

5. Roll dough into small balls and roll half of the ball in sugar – place on to ungreased cookie sheet.

6. Bake for 7-9 minutes – lightly browned.

7. Immediately place an unwrapped Hershey kiss on each cookie.

8. Let cool and movie to wax paper to cool. -ENJOY!Elle Whitney - Pumpkin KissElle Whitney - Pumpkin Kiss (2) Elle Whitney - Pumpkin Kiss (3) Elle Whitney - Pumpkin Kiss (4) Elle Whitney - Pumpkin Kiss (5) Elle Whitney - Pumpkin Kiss (6)Elle Whitney - Pumpkin Kiss (7) Elle Whitney - Pumpkin Kiss (8) Elle Whitney - Pumpkin Kiss (9) Elle Whitney - Pumpkin Kiss (11)

High Five for Friday: 9/26/2014

Ahhh it’s Friday and I couldn’t be happier! After a long week planning and working an event for work there is no other way I’d  rather spend my weekend than at school with all my best friends for homecoming! – more on that later.

Anyways – like mentioned, I spent the week conducting a company event and as my first one I think it went pretty well! Solid preparation, organization, remaining calm and tons of caffeine did the trick and I pulled it off with no major disasters. I still have a lot to learn, but really feel like I am getting the hang of things.

1. Now for the recap of the week. First – the Penn State Game. Last Saturday my family and I spent the day tailgating and attending a Penn State football game. An absolutely amazing day. The weather was beyond gorgeous and the atmosphere was like no other on this earth.Tailgate 1 Tailgate

2. On a different note, this week I decided to like coffee?  Up until now I have absolutely dreaded the taste of coffee, I have tried it in every way, shape and form, but just could never acquire the taste. With recent discussion about how Pumpkin Spice Lattes are full of ingredients I can’t pronounce I decided to take the plunge and try pumpkin coffee. To my surprise, with a little french vanilla creamer, I am in love.Pumpkin Coffee3. With all the signs of fall becoming clearer, I finally took the time to bring my sweaters, jackets and vests out of storage. Before I get fully immersed in my sweaters I will take some time to wear and rock my vests. These are three of my favorites!
Vests 4. Through this first event I planned I have learned quite a lot. One of the most important methods I discovered was creating my own make-shift work station. Claiming a spot with emergency batteries, tape, stapler, pen’s, paper clips, agendas and other back-up materials needed for the conference was ideal and came in handy. Not only did it provide me and the attendees ease to know that if anything went wrong I had the back-up, but it also gave me a place to actually get some work down.unnamed5. Finally – fall decor. Despite the fact my mums are somewhat dying in this photo my bright orange pumpkins are glowing, and when my mums revive they will be back to a beautiful sight. Either way – wall decorations are the best. They are warm and inviting and totally get you in the mood for fall foliage. Pumpkin

 Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday!

Slouch A Little

One of the coolest aspects of blogging is reaching outside my comfort zone. Of course, a huge percent of what I discuss and take pictures of are things that I love – hence my reason for blogging. However, for me blogging has turned into an experimental platform where I can show you my traditional loves, but also styles/trends I am interested in – even if they don’t look so great on me.

A few months ago I wrote about how the 90s style is back – some of the trends I have tried and loved others I love, but would try – overalls. Similar to this situation, slouchy jeans have been featured in many of my favorite brands, most prominently in Anthropologie. Being 5′ 4″ without toothpick legs, I have been very apprehensive about trying this, yet I gave it a go. I am only used to a tight jean, so naturally when I tried these on I felt I needed to decrease in size to get the proper fit – when in reality the loose baggy look was the correct one.

After giving it a try I feel as if paired with the right ensemble it can work, for example – a floppy hat to complement the slouch. I wouldn’t say this would be a clothing piece I would turn to regularly, but to mix up your jean look it is a solid choice – AND REALLY COMFORTABLE!

*One change I should have made was wearing flats. Naturally, because of my height, I turn to heels most often – but in this case I wish I would have worn a sneaker – like a pair of converse or vans.Elle Whitney - Slouch A Little Elle Whitney - Slouch A Little (2) Elle Whitney - Slouch A Little (3) Elle Whitney - Slouch A Little (4)

Shop the look –


[Tuesday’s Taste – Apple Coleslaw]

Biting into a crisp clean apple is one of my favorite things to do, especially this time of year. I don’t think I have tried an apple I didn’t like and enjoy them in all forms – pies, dumplings, sauce, butter and more. While brainingstorming for a good apple recipe idea, deciding on coleslaw was a bit odd for me. I am not a fan of regular coleslaw, but I knew that adding apple would make it much sweeter – and adding sweetness to anything is always better!

The recipe is simple and you could definitely consider this to me a semi-homemade recipe – making it much easier and efficient during a busy week. I piled my apple coleslaw on top of an apple BBQ pulled pork sandwich – it not only won my taste buds over, but Taylor’s too! The perfect combination of savory and sweet.
Elle Whitney - Apple Coleslaw

  • 1 Package of premade coleslaw – no dressing (shredded cabbage and carrots)
  • 1 large Granny Smith apple – julienned
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon poppy seeds
  • Salt and pepper – to taste

1. Combine coleslaw package and apple in large bowl.

2. In a separate bowl – whisk together mayo, olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, poppy seeds, salt and pepper.

3. Pour whisked mixture on top of coleslaw and stir using a rubber spatula.

4. Keep cool in refrigerator for at least an hour.

5. Pile coleslaw on pulled pork sandwich and ENJOY!

*** For Apple BBQ Pulled Pork Sauce – combine 1 cup of your favorite BBQ, sauce, 1 cup of apple butter and 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar. Mix together, marinate and cook into pulled pork.

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My Inspiration Station

Where do you do your best thinking? Do you have one spot you can turn to to clear your head and focus? What inspires you? Is it closing your eyes and finding inspiration in the clearness of dark? Or, is it being surrounded by the ones you love? As I have stated before it doesn’t take much for me to become inspired – I find myself at all hours of the day thinking of a great ideas and writing them down so I don’t forget. (a great reason to always carry a notepad around) Yet, creating my own inspiration station – a place to free me mind, let my ideas flow and remain focused has been a goal of mine ever since I began blogging.

Although always inspired and finding inspiration in every aspect of life, I told myself that no matter where I lived, the minute I have my very own home I would begin working on an inspiration station. That day has come, and while I will always being changing and improving my inspiration station, for now I feel as if it is as a very good place. Elle Whitney - Inspiration Station

Being surrounded by family, friends, bright colors, warm thoughts and positive vibes provides me a platform for brilliance. As I sit down and write – whether for my own enjoyment, my blog, for work or any other reason, creating an inviting environment where my thoughts and ideas are safe has been a goal of mine. In the comfort of my own bedroom, dressed exactly how I like it, this area for me was a small dream come true.

An inspiration station can be located anywhere. I asked myself – where will I be most focused? What do I want this area to look like? What will trigger my brain to think creatively and clearly? After asking myself these question I was able to develop the ideal spot for myself and my thoughts. My inspiration station was put into action and finally has arrived to a totally organized, simple, happy and idea sparking place. Naturally an area like this if different for every person, but as a person who loves organization and simplicity – the photos below are my ideal surroundings.

Elle Whitney - Inspiration Station (2)

Elle Whitney - Inspiration Station (3) Elle Whitney - Inspiration Station (4) Elle Whitney - Inspiration Station (5) Elle Whitney - Inspiration Station (6) Elle Whitney - Inspiration Station (7) Elle Whitney - Inspiration Station (8) Elle Whitney - Inspiration Station (9) Elle Whitney - Inspiration Station (10)

Photos of my family and friends – the most important people in my life; who love, support and share enjoyment in all my experiences. Flowers – a sign of happiness and living a bright life. A candle – to not only set the mood, but I am actually just obsessed with them. (*this in this picture is a pumpkin spice – must always correspond with the seasons) Magazines – providing daily inspirations and and visuals that allow my mind to explore. Canon – an old camera my grandfather gave me. (I hope to get that thing working again someday!) A notepad – I actually have these dispersed all over the place, every room, my purse, work bag etc. If I have an idea, at least I will be ready to write it down.

Where do you do your best thinking? If you are a blogger, where do you write? Do you have any organizing and or idea sparking tips? Share your ideas and/or inspiration stations in the comment box. Enjoy and always stay inspired!

High Five for Friday: 9/19/2014

I can’t believe it is already Friday! This week by far has gone by quicker then any other. It was a hectic week at work finalizing the plans for a week long event beginning Monday, along with tons of exciting blog news and opportunities that came my way!

1. This past Saturday Taylor and I spent the entire day painting our living room and fireplace room. It was a deep pink – but we cleared the room up with a very soft grey that complemented the white panels. With new furniture on the way – this color will pull everything together.Painting

2. The weekend was also spent fixing my bike. Shout out to Taylor for his manliness and whipping out the tools to get the job. What a guy! Kudos for also keeping my ride clean and spotless.


3. On Wednesday, the marketing department from work, along with two other department, were tested and went through communication training. We took the Meyer’s Briggs exam, determining our attitudes, personalities and natural ways of reacting. It was such an amazing experience not only to understand myself better, but to understand those that I work with. We received in-depth workbooks about the 16 different types, along with an analysis of our specific personality. Interested to see what your personality is? There are tons of free exams you can take online. Check one out here.


4. This week I also made one of my favorite dinners – breakfast for dinner. I don’t know what it is about eating breakfast food at dinner time, but I love it! Pumpkin pancakes were on the menu and they were delicious! I only guessed that they would be good, but after making them they were better than I thought!

Pumpkin Pancakes

5. On top of all the other great things that happened this week – I was present with several new blog opportunities and I am so excited about each one. The way my blog is rolling out and how things are falling in place provides me with such a special feeling. While blogging in indeed something I love to do – there are often times I have had my doubts. However – sticking with it and continue to pursue my goals seems to be working and I can’t wait to see where it goes! Thanks for following!

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday!

A Quote Worth Writing Down


Too often we find ourselves worrying about the past or stressing about what is to come. Planning is vital – as a lover of organization I understand that planning for the future is important, along with learning from the past experiences. However – a reminder like this is one worth writing down.

With a million things consuming our day it is easy to fall into a slump of anxiety – concerning ourselves with situations and ideas that, in the current moment, we do not have control over. This is something I find myself working on on a daily basis. Anxiety is something that comes along with my personality type, but after stumbling upon this quote – it has acted as a pleasant reminder of what is most important in life.

The past is gone and the present is not here yet – there is nothing we can do about those two things except learn from our mistakes and organize for the future. So why stress about it? Life is about second chances and making your own happiness. As humans we are bound to make mistakes – mistakes we may feel guilty about later in life, but as a person on this earth we have the ability to learn from those  and tackle problems that lay ahead. Living in the current moment is what happiness is all about. It is about what we learn and the journey we are taking to get ahead – along with all the special people we meet in between. Remember the importance of living a beautiful life, constantly learning and remaining happy should be the key to all of our success.

Print this quote out, write it in a journal, make it your screen saver – whatever you do, it is a good reminder that allows you double-check the life you are living. And – is a quote worth writing down.

Fall Florals

Fall florals, prints and bright colors are so in and I love it! Don’t put away those bright and colorful pieces from summer just yet. My favorites stores are all filled with different items in various floral prints – whether you are interested in tops, sweaters, blouses, skirts, even pants, they have them! What I am seeing most often are vibrant prints matched with the warm and darker colors of fall. One of my favorite looks that I have found are earth colored florals and leather. Another of my favorites is the same look, but with a jean jacket.

Now instead of running out to purchase a new set of florals (although, I’m never opposed to shopping) – think about recycling your summer prints. The top that I have on today is one that I purchased at the very beginning of summer from J. Crew Factory. Despite the fact that it is an entire season late, it still works! The key here is what you decide to pair it with. Like mentioned, if you pair floral with the appropriate pieces it can really be worked in to any and every season.

Booties are in for fall – the nude ones I am wearing have been my go-to thus far. Secondly, a black mini skirt. Leather, black jeans, black skirts and more are a great look to turn to when dressing for fall. With such a loud top, I kept my accessories simple – pearl earrings and bracelets (my favorite!)

My choice to pull my hair back in a loose pony was made to keep the attention on my floral top. Draw attention to the piece you want to highlight by pulling back in other areas – pun intended.

Elle Whitney - Fall FloralsElle Whitney - Fall Florals (2)Elle Whitney - Fall Florals (3)Elle Whitney - Fall Florals (2)

*If you are looking to dress this look up even more, try a pearl necklace to match your other accessories.

Elle Whitney - Fall Florals

What are your favorite fall florals?!  Share your ideas/links and get inspired!

Shop the look –

[Tuesday’s Taste – Home-Style Vegetable Soup]

I don’t know about you, but even as a lover of fall, I still feel like it is too early for the cool weather to be here. Just yesterday I woke up absolutely freezing – and of course, as the day goes on it does get warmer, but you can definitely feel fall in the air.

Getting used to the cool air is something that takes about a week to adjust to. During this time, I love to indulge in a hot and hearty bowl of soup or chili. Sitting on your porch during a breezy night with a warm bowl of something and a sweatshirt on – it just doesn’t get any better than that.

This recipe is one that I made with my mom this past weekend, enjoyed for lunch and stored in my fridge for the rest of the week. That is one of the great perks when cooking with my mom – we always cook in large quantities making a great deal of left overs that are food for the rest of week. Follow this recipe and enjoy this healthy, filling meal!

Elle Whitney - Veggie Soup (2)

  • Olive oil
  • 1 Onion – chopped
  • 4 stocks of Celery – chopped
  • 1 lb. of Carrots – chopped
  • fully cooked Roast
  • 1 can Great Northern Beans
  • 1 can Navy Beans
  • 1 can Black Beans
  • 2 large cans Green Beans
  • 4 32 oz. beef/vegetable Broth
  • 2 cans diced Tomatoes
  • 1 bag of frozen Corn
  • 1 bag frozen Peas
  • 1 bag of Spinach
  • 1 to 2 cans diced Tomatoes

1. Chop – onions, carrots and celery sau is a LARGE soup pot drizzled in olive oil.

2. Dice roast – add to onions, carrots and celery once they are fully cooked

3. Add Great Northern, Navy and Black beans.

4. Pour in 2-3 containers of broth

5. Add green beans and tomatoes

6. Cook and wait until it begins to simmer – at this time add more brother and cook in spinach

7. Leave on stove at medium heat to cook

8. Serve and enjoy! – BONUS, store in containers and keep refrigerated. This makes a great meal later in the week or as leftovers

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SOBO Skin Care

After recently reading through several of my favorite blogs I have been more inspired than ever to begin to take moisturizing more seriously. Although I am young, I have found that the importance of taking care of your skin is vital, not only to keep it looking healthy but for prevention down the road. Applying skin care products that nourish your skin, protect it from future harm and are filled with wholesome ingredients is a great way for anyone, of any age, to begin to maximize skin health.
Elle Whitney- SOBO Skin Care (2)

With all of this in mind it was only perfect when SOBO Skin Care sent me samples of their Age Smoothing and Protectant Serum. Not only does their product work wonders, but they are made from wholesome ingredients, which are also the most effective components offered in skin care products. The all-natural and organic ingredients keep your skin from being exposed to harmful toxins, as well as provide long-term protection.

Over the period of time that I have been using the Age Smoothing and Protectant Serum I have seen a tremendous difference. Applying once in the morning and once before bed to areas of my face, I have seen dramatic changes in my skin softness – not to mention an overall clearer and brighter face.Elle Whitney- SOBO Skin Care

Like mentioned above, the serum will also protect my skin from aging. Our world is filled with all kinds of toxins that hurt our skin, but with the SOBO I am confident that my skin will remain safe.

No matter how old or young you are, it is never too early to begin to protect your skin, not just from wrinkles – but toxins and other harmful chemicals in the air. My recommendation for SOBO Skin Care goes further than just the Age Smoothing and Protectant Serum, but for their array of products – including their cleansers and moisturizers.


Interested in trying SOBO? See below for their products and use this discount code! 25% Off  Discount Code: TRYSOBO

Shop SOBO Skin Care:


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