Raspberry Protein Thumbprints

I am always on the look out for a simple, sweet, delicious and of course, healthy treat. And as an avid Quest Bar baker, this recipe was a no brainer. One of my favorite bars, chocolate brownie, and a sinfully sweet berry makes for THE perfect protein packed treat.

As a perfect pick-me-up and naturally fitting in my macros, I promise you that this is one you will be turning too whenever that sweet tooth is screaming.DSC_0223


  • Chocolate brownie Quest Bar
  • Raspberries
  1. Unwrap and divide the Quest Bar in to four even sections
  2. Microwave one section for five seconds.
  3. Roll in to a ball and microwave for six more seconds.
  4. Immediately press your thumb in to the ball to make a thumbprint. Place one raspberry in the thumbprint.
  5. ENJOY!

Photo Guide:

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