PB Fit Cups

My most recent adventures in the kitchen have consisted of a great deal of “fit recipes” – ultimately finding creative ways to include protein in to recipes, as well as healthier versions of my favorite sweet treats. Yesterday, I took a shot at breaking down my absolute favorite food combination, chocolate and peanut butter, and my favorite piece of candy – a peanut butter cup. With the variety of “healthy” peanut butter options now out in the market this recipe was not that difficult to come up with. I was looking for something high in protein and low in fat and sugar.

I promise it is simple and easy to make. An entire batch will provide small treats for an extended period of time and as you crave something sweet throughout your week pull one of these out the freezer and walk away completely satisfying your sweet tooth.

The inspiration behind this recipe also came from Kaylyn at Peanut Butter Paradise. We recently connected and after checking out her blog (which I promise you’ll love) it was quite clear that her passion for PB was just a strong as mine. So whip up a batch of these PB Fit Cups and then sit back an explore Kaylyn’s blog. If you find yourself getting lost in her posts be sure not to over indulge in the PB Fit Cups! Enjoy!

PB Fit Cups

  • 1 cup of Nestle dark Chocolate chips
  • 2 tbsp protein (I used peanut butter cup PEScience)
  • 3 tbsp  SimplyJif
  • 1/4 cup PB Fit (peanut butter powder)
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1. In a small bowl combine, protein, peanut butter, peanut butter powder and almond milk – stir until smooth

2. In a separate bowl, melt chocolate. I microwave for 30 seconds and stir. Repeat this until completely melted.

3. Place a thin layer of melted chocolate at the bottom of each baking cup. Place in freezer for 10 minutes.

4. Remove from freezer. Place small ball of peanut butter mixture in each baking cup. Cover and top with remaining melted chocolate.

5. Freeze for an additional 15 minutes. (at a minimum)

6. Enjoy! (I keep them stored in the freezer until I am ready to eat. Allow a few minutes to thaw before indulging.)

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 14 15PB Fit Cups Final Product

Life’s What You Make It, And Today We Chose The Best B&B

If the phrase, “life’s what you make it” didn’t mean anything to me before, it sure as heck does now. I am simple a girl working on the balance of a healthy and happy life. Since moving to Hollidaysburg after my college graduation many people have asked, why would you move there? What is there to do? And, while the idea of binge drinking at a college party or spending exorbitant amounts on city convenience sounds tempting (sense my sarcasm), I am very happy exactly where I am. I have found that the joys of life are found being surrounded my those you love and small treasures that occur when you least expect it, and it is a weekend spent like this past that reassured me that no matter where you live you can find just that.

This weekend, Taylor’s parents came to Hollidaysburg to visit and with beautiful skies in the forecast we were excited for great two days. Saturday, upon their arrival, we met them at the Mimosa Courtyard Inn, in downtown Hollidaysburg. It is a quaint B&B located right off Allegheny Street. As we unloaded the Leak’s belongings we were immediately impressed by the friendliness and how accommodating the owners were. Although we didn’t spend much time at the B&B on Saturday, we were in for a sweet surprise here later. We spent the night grilling, eating and enjoying each other’s company at our home. Ultimately, when the weather is warm this is my absolute favorite thing to do. We turned a simple evening into something splendid, spent with both sides of the family.BB2

The next morning we enjoyed a pleasant surprise at the Mimosa Courtyard Inn. Taylor’s parents asked us to join them for brunch at the B&B and I am sitting here so glad that we did! We walked in to the dining room present with the setting below – instantly in love!BB1

Sitting at each place was a fruit and yogurt parfait, topped with a sweet chocolate bite. From the get go the owners were welcoming and enjoyable – they truly made us feel like we were sitting in our own home, just like part of the family. Next they brought out breakfast, mozzarella, tomato, bacon and chopped sausage, followed by potatoes and banana fosters french toast. The entire meal was TO. DIE. FOR. To top off this perfect little brunch – bottomless mimosas, perfection.

From beginning to end our brunch was delightful and the service was excellent. It was the most perfect unexpected gathering we have had. It is funny how you live somewhere your whole entire life passing by sweet little moments like these, yet the minute you take time to step back and enjoy what you are surrounded by how naturally perfect your life can be.

From the delicious food, to cozy atmosphere and attention to details within the decor, the short but memorable experience we all had at the Mimosa Courtyard Inn was one we won’t forget and will recommend to all. It is memories like these and days spent with those who mean the most to you that provide a happy and fulfilling life. I am thankful that Taylor and I were able to welcome his parents to our new home and to our favorite little town.


Chitty & Tay Take Columbus

As it is made quite clear through various social media, blog and other posts, my niece and nephew are pretty much the apple of my eye. Despite the fact they live in Columbus, Ohio – the time we do spend with them, whether in person or on FaceTime, is priceless.

This past weekend Taylor and I  made the trip out to Columbus to spend the weekend with the Corey’s, and as always it was a hilariously great time – we were even greeted with a welcome song (Chitty and Tay are on the way! – thanks Gretch!). Saturday morning, my sister, Bridget, and I enjoyed a much needed massage. In the afternoon the whole clan, Bridget, Jeff, the kids, Taylor and I all went to the zoo for a birthday party that Gretch was invited to. Gretch had a short scare with the initial reptile release when a snake was brought out by the instructor, but she overcame it quickly and pet every crazy animal they brought out (proud).

That night Bridget, Jeff, Taylor and I went out to this amazing restaurant, Elevator, in downtown Columbus. I haven’t been to many places in Columbus, but this is definitely one I would recommend and would gladly return to. We all got different variations of the rock filet – yes they literally brought out a raw filet of tuna and I got to cook it myself, on. a. rock. So cool, to say the very least. So the food and drinks were great, but the company was even better. Taylor and I love spending time with Bridget and Jeff – we naturally just click so well with them and we are always cracking up. After dinner we hit up another Columbus staple, Jeni’s (I literally dream about Brambleberry Crisp) You will not waste your time by clicking on their link and exploring what they have to offer, mmm soo good, and yes, I indulged! I had to – special occasions are OK by me!

The remainder of the weekend was simply spent enjoying each other company. I tried to take a few photos of the kids – it is so cool to see them grow and develop in to adorable little humans. It was a solid weekend, with the best group of people around – stayed tuned for our next family adventure, Disney.

*Chitty – the only name Gretch and Finn know me by.

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Liebster Award

So there is this super cool blog movement being tossed around for those up and coming in the blogosphere. It is an awesome way to discover new blogs, meet new people and spread the good vibes that blogs give. I was nominated by Randi and would like to thank her for doing so, it has definitely be fun way to get new names out there!

For “official” rules of this award, click the button below.


My answers to Randi’s questions are as follows:

Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog when I was a freshman in college and I did so because I became absolutely obsessed with Elsie and Emma from A Beautiful Mess. I continue to blog because it has turned in to an idea and memory library for myself and anyone else that is interested in reading. My life has changed tremendously since I began writing and so does Elle Whitney. From style to life changes and more– I think it is so cool that I can look back at posts and see how much I have changedCapture

What does a normal day in your life look like?

 A normal day for me is up at 4:45 to workout and I am at work by 7:00. I have a lunch break at 12:00 and during this time I either get in another workout, run errands, and/or write/read. I get off of work at 4:00 where my nights consist of working at my mom’s bridal shop, Crossfit or group fitness, making dinner and relaxing at my house with my boyfriend. Monotonous- but I love every second it.

What is the best job you’ve ever had?

The best job I have ever had is being Aunt Chitty. Becoming an aunt has been and will continue to be the best job I have acquired until I have my own children. Gretchen and Finnegan are the two most lovable and joyful children I have ever encountered.10408484_10100152266623299_6435375236318952107_nWhere is your favorite place to shop? 

Definitely Old Navy and TJ Maxx. I love both of these stores because they are affordable  and it is quite clear that my fashion sense has changed since graduating college and both of these provide options that are now what I prefer.

What is your favorite meal?

I currently do not often sit down and eat any large meals, unless I am at a family dinner or out to eat. However I do enjoy a huge refrigerated honeycrisp apple with crunchy peanut butter or a bowl of mashed cauliflower.

What is your favorite accessory?

A smile – cheesy but true. Everyone’s lives, including my own, is so much better when I am happy and positive.

If you could travel anywhere tomorrow, where would you go and why?

Colorado – heading there this August and I am just too excited for it. I can’t wait to hike and enjoy the amazing views.all-pics-downloaded-from-12-2011-to-8-2011-730

What’s one beauty product you cannot live without?

            Coco butter – my staple.

What’s your favorite season and why?

            Totally fall – sucker for all the white girl favorites AND because in the past, all of my most favorite memories have occurred during fall months.

If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have 3 things, what would they be? (Real original, I know)

One- a HUGE jar of crunchy peanut butter.
Two – Taylor, my boyfriend, he is insane – but he keeps me sane and he makes me laugh more than anyone I have ever known. He would provide superb entertainment on said island.
Three – The Bible, just recently started reading different passages, convinced all life lessons can be obtained in this book.

Now for a few new ladies, I would like to nominate:

  1. Becca Shaw: The Cow Chronicler 
  2. Sarah Selip: Pittsburgh & Pearls
  3. Sam Casale: samanthacasale.com
  4. Meghan Counsman: Candidly Couner
  5. Rebecca Hunter: Healthy Foods For You

11 questions for you girls:

  1. Describe your blog in two sentences or less.
  2. What is your current Netflix binge? Or, favorite TV show?
  3. I am a lover of life’s simple pleasures – what is one of yours?
  4. What is your favorite sweet treat?
  5. What is your favorite book?
  6. Why do you blog?
  7. Kittens or puppies? Why?
  8. What is your favorite form of fitness or exercise?
  9. What is your favorite magazine?
  10. Upload your all-time favorite picture here:
  11. What is your favorite Instagram account and why?