Mexican Turkey Wraps

Mexican food has got to be one of my absolute favorites – tacos, fajitas, queso, chips and salsa and we can’t forget margaritas! Mmmm, all of those listed and more are my favorite dishes to indulge in. So, when trying to tackle this new diet of mine I knew that food with at least a Mexican twist was going to be something difficult to cut out – which is why I didn’t (: I have seen various recipes for lettuces wraps and decided to add a little Mexican twist to make for a healthy single serving meal.Mexican Turkey Wraps

With very few ingredients it’s a quick meal enjoy by yourself or for a whole group. The recipe has no added sugar, grains or dairy. It’s a stripped down favorite with all of the Mexican flavors – enjoy!

  • Olive oil
  • 1 medium onion (sliced)
  • 1 green pepper (sliced)
  • 1/3 container of ground turkey
  • 1 tsp. Chili powder
  • 1/2 cup organic salsa
  • 3 large lettuce leaves

1. Saute onions and peppers in large pan. Brown and fully cook ground turkey.

2. Add salsa and chili powder to cooked turkey. Stir thoroughly.

3. Add ground turkey to peppers and onions. Stir thoroughly.

4. Distribute ground turkey mixture evenly on lettuce leaves.

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PB Fit Cups

My most recent adventures in the kitchen have consisted of a great deal of “fit recipes” – ultimately finding creative ways to include protein in to recipes, as well as healthier versions of my favorite sweet treats. Yesterday, I took a shot at breaking down my absolute favorite food combination, chocolate and peanut butter, and my favorite piece of candy – a peanut butter cup. With the variety of “healthy” peanut butter options now out in the market this recipe was not that difficult to come up with. I was looking for something high in protein and low in fat and sugar.

I promise it is simple and easy to make. An entire batch will provide small treats for an extended period of time and as you crave something sweet throughout your week pull one of these out the freezer and walk away completely satisfying your sweet tooth.

The inspiration behind this recipe also came from Kaylyn at Peanut Butter Paradise. We recently connected and after checking out her blog (which I promise you’ll love) it was quite clear that her passion for PB was just a strong as mine. So whip up a batch of these PB Fit Cups and then sit back an explore Kaylyn’s blog. If you find yourself getting lost in her posts be sure not to over indulge in the PB Fit Cups! Enjoy!

PB Fit Cups

  • 1 cup of Nestle dark Chocolate chips
  • 2 tbsp protein (I used peanut butter cup PEScience)
  • 3 tbsp  SimplyJif
  • 1/4 cup PB Fit (peanut butter powder)
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1. In a small bowl combine, protein, peanut butter, peanut butter powder and almond milk – stir until smooth

2. In a separate bowl, melt chocolate. I microwave for 30 seconds and stir. Repeat this until completely melted.

3. Place a thin layer of melted chocolate at the bottom of each baking cup. Place in freezer for 10 minutes.

4. Remove from freezer. Place small ball of peanut butter mixture in each baking cup. Cover and top with remaining melted chocolate.

5. Freeze for an additional 15 minutes. (at a minimum)

6. Enjoy! (I keep them stored in the freezer until I am ready to eat. Allow a few minutes to thaw before indulging.)

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Life’s What You Make It, And Today We Chose The Best B&B

If the phrase, “life’s what you make it” didn’t mean anything to me before, it sure as heck does now. I am simple a girl working on the balance of a healthy and happy life. Since moving to Hollidaysburg after my college graduation many people have asked, why would you move there? What is there to do? And, while the idea of binge drinking at a college party or spending exorbitant amounts on city convenience sounds tempting (sense my sarcasm), I am very happy exactly where I am. I have found that the joys of life are found being surrounded my those you love and small treasures that occur when you least expect it, and it is a weekend spent like this past that reassured me that no matter where you live you can find just that.

This weekend, Taylor’s parents came to Hollidaysburg to visit and with beautiful skies in the forecast we were excited for great two days. Saturday, upon their arrival, we met them at the Mimosa Courtyard Inn, in downtown Hollidaysburg. It is a quaint B&B located right off Allegheny Street. As we unloaded the Leak’s belongings we were immediately impressed by the friendliness and how accommodating the owners were. Although we didn’t spend much time at the B&B on Saturday, we were in for a sweet surprise here later. We spent the night grilling, eating and enjoying each other’s company at our home. Ultimately, when the weather is warm this is my absolute favorite thing to do. We turned a simple evening into something splendid, spent with both sides of the family.BB2

The next morning we enjoyed a pleasant surprise at the Mimosa Courtyard Inn. Taylor’s parents asked us to join them for brunch at the B&B and I am sitting here so glad that we did! We walked in to the dining room present with the setting below – instantly in love!BB1

Sitting at each place was a fruit and yogurt parfait, topped with a sweet chocolate bite. From the get go the owners were welcoming and enjoyable – they truly made us feel like we were sitting in our own home, just like part of the family. Next they brought out breakfast, mozzarella, tomato, bacon and chopped sausage, followed by potatoes and banana fosters french toast. The entire meal was TO. DIE. FOR. To top off this perfect little brunch – bottomless mimosas, perfection.

From beginning to end our brunch was delightful and the service was excellent. It was the most perfect unexpected gathering we have had. It is funny how you live somewhere your whole entire life passing by sweet little moments like these, yet the minute you take time to step back and enjoy what you are surrounded by how naturally perfect your life can be.

From the delicious food, to cozy atmosphere and attention to details within the decor, the short but memorable experience we all had at the Mimosa Courtyard Inn was one we won’t forget and will recommend to all. It is memories like these and days spent with those who mean the most to you that provide a happy and fulfilling life. I am thankful that Taylor and I were able to welcome his parents to our new home and to our favorite little town.


Raspberry Protein Thumbprints

I am always on the look out for a simple, sweet, delicious and of course, healthy treat. And as an avid Quest Bar baker, this recipe was a no brainer. One of my favorite bars, chocolate brownie, and a sinfully sweet berry makes for THE perfect protein packed treat.

As a perfect pick-me-up and naturally fitting in my macros, I promise you that this is one you will be turning too whenever that sweet tooth is screaming.DSC_0223


  • Chocolate brownie Quest Bar
  • Raspberries
  1. Unwrap and divide the Quest Bar in to four even sections
  2. Microwave one section for five seconds.
  3. Roll in to a ball and microwave for six more seconds.
  4. Immediately press your thumb in to the ball to make a thumbprint. Place one raspberry in the thumbprint.
  5. ENJOY!

Photo Guide:

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Chocolate Banana Protein Pancakes

With the many changes I have made in my life over the past month or so – comes the ability to really get creative in the kitchen. Almost everyday I see delicious stacks of protein pancakes and have always wanted to try one of the recipes. So, my best friend Chelsea, and I decided to have a #bakedate on Friday night after our favorite spinning class to try one of our very own recipes.

I researched several recipes, because there are honestly hundred of flavors you can go with when making these, to determine what flavors and style of pancake we wanted to go for. For our first time we wanted to keep in simple – we both LOVE chocolate, we wanted to tons of fruit and obviously packed full of nutrition and protein. With this is mind we decided to make our very own Chocolate Banana Protein Pancakes.

The recipe is so unbelievably simple and the outcome is so unbelievably to die for! Chels and I go in to our workouts together pretty pumped and after we killed our spinning class Friday night – I hate to say it, but I think we were even more excited when we got to indulge in our stack of pancakes. Enjoy!

  • 4 eggs (you can also us egg whites 3/4 cup)
  • 2 bananas
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1 scoop – chocolate protein
  • 2Tbs – cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • strawberries
  • bananas
  • blueberries
  • honey (we used cinnamon honey)

1. Combine eggs, banana, oats, protein, cocoa powder, cinnamon in a blender. Pulse until completely blended and looks like liquid.

2. Use a 1/4 cup to scoop and place in medium to low skillet.

3.Top your stack of pancakes with strawberries and place banana and blueberries around. Drizzle with honey.


Photo guide:

protein_pancakes_1 protein_pancakes_2This recipe is SO easy. Literally just throw all the pancake ingredients in a blender – we didn’t chop, slice or reduce anything.protein_pancakes_3We found that it was much better to keep the pancakes small – much easier to stack that way!protein_pancakes_4unnamed (1)We placed sliced strawberries on top of our pancakes and saved the remaining fruit to disburse along the plate – these are a good fork pick-me-up while you are eating!unnamed

To top it off, what makes baking/cooking/eating/working-out/ whatever you are doing so much better – good friends!


Log What You Eat, Love What You Eat.

I have always been a healthy eater. In the past I would indulge occasionally and now even less, but healthy eating has always been a good habit of mine. Yet no matter what, I still felt like I could do better. What my problem was is just over eating.  I was eating all the right food, but again just too much.

I tried plain and simple eating less but found I was not holding myself accountable. It wasn’t until I used simple resources around me that I found myself on the perfect health and fitness track.

First, I changed my style of workouts. Before I was working out alone everyday. Now, I am working out with others, along with doing my own works and taking a one rest day throughout the week. This was a great new method for me. It was through working out and sharing my health and fitness journey with others that I was able to learn of great resources that I am constantly surrounded by, but never thought to utilize to benefit my health. Naturally attending multiple group fitness classes each week has really helped! From spinning, Insanity, Circuit Training, Ballistic Core, PiYo and more – the variety of workouts I am doing has now greatly increase. With such great motivation from those I see at our workouts on the regular basis (#fitfam) I am now even more motivated to hit the normal gym by myself. Both my cardio and weight training intensity has increased!

Second, my phone. Sounds a little strange but, oh man is technology useful! I downloaded the MyFitnessPal app. This has become very useful now that I am tracking my macros, as well as eating more portion controlled meals. It allows me to track my food and nutrient intake – which is vital for the #IIFYM eating habits.myfitnesspal logo transparent_tcm256-11335

Another tool that I am using on my phone is my camera. Now I have been known to be somewhat of a #foodie, but good or bad, I have taken it to another level. And while I am not posting everything I eat on social media I have my own library of meals. On top of the easy to use MyFitnessPal app, I take photos of my food. Think about it, taking a look at an app and reading ” 4 oz. chicken breast” is not nearly as fun or effective than looking at a picture of a 4 oz. chicken breast. It has allowed me to enjoy healthy eating even more. Taking the photos and tracking my food has become a habit, it works well for me, and it is something I enjoy. Below are two examples Breakfast

Breakfast – my morning shake and handful of blueberries.soup

Lunch – 1 1/2 cups lentil, vegetable, bean soup

Afternoon snack – Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup blueberries, 1/4 strawberries, 1/2 teaspoon of chia seeds, 1/4 cup granola.

A specific workout, eating and life plan is different for everyone. This has not only been working for me, but is making me feel absolutely great! What resources, apps or tools work for you?

Eat PA: Duffy’s Tavern

Recommendations for each stop on Eat PA come from a variety of people: friends, family, co-workers, our own discoveries and more. This next stop was a place I visited briefly with my sister at one point, but was recently recommended as a “must stop” by my parents when I told them about this new blog campaign.

Tucked away in the small town of Boalsburg, just four miles from State College, PA, is a Victorian tavern that has been around for almost two centuries – Duffy’s Tavern. It was built in 1819 and with traditional wood flooring, deep-set windows and seven fireplaces is a rustic and necessary stop for everyone.

One of the most interesting aspects of traveling to each of these different eateries in various geographical locations of PA is discovering and learning the history that each area represents. Whether national, local or even personal history – so far each spot I have stopped at, and the few I have planned for the near future are rich in history. This building, still standing in its original stonework, catered to colonial travelers in the past. The entire colonial atmosphere of the small downtown atmosphere located in Boalsburg is one that really makes you feel like you are stepping back in time.

DSC_0868 DSC_0869 DSC_0870 DSC_0873 Our experience was great. We visited on a Sunday afternoon. The tavern was packed full of Steeler fans, but the dining area was quiet and homey.  Walking through each room felt somewhat like you were walking through a museum – excited to see what was to come next. DSC_0874 We sat in a dining area that was once a porch. It is now enclosed and part of the building and provides a great view of the middle of town. Taylor indulged in a bottled root beer – we both agreed it tasted even better because of the glass bottle. After our appetizer and meal we took a stroll through entire tavern. With multiple dining rooms and a bar it was so interesting to see all of the vintage decor – pictures below. Not to mention it looked lovely decorated for Christmas!

Taylor and I both agreed it was a great place and we can see why locals love it. A great staff, diverse menu, varying specials, historic building and rustic decor all tucked in the small town of Boalsburg, you are sure to have a great experience.DSC_0876 DSC_0880 DSC_0882 DSC_0884

Appetizer-Bavarian Soft Pretzel Sticks

  • 3 soft pretzels (Taylor ate one before I returned from the bathroom)
  • dipping sauces: whole grain mustard,  jalapeno cheddar cheese, maple butter


Taylor – Salmon Filet

  • parmesan salmon
  • rice pilaf
  • creamed spinach

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Me (Elle)- Lamb Sliders

  • lamb sliders
  • toppings: roasted red peppers, onions, garlic herb aioli, mixed greens
  • sweet potato fries

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Price Guide- 

Bavarian Soft Pretzel Sticks: $8.00
Salmon Filet: $25.00
Lamb Sliders: $11.00

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Sweet and Simple: Festive Chocolate Bark

Festive Chcolate BarkWell it is that time of year ladies and gents. With one holiday weekend down and about a week more of celebrations to come at the end of December, it is time to prepare your taste buds. Every year people naturally complain about all of the food, overeating and it being to cold and/or dark to hit the gym, but let’s be honest – who can blame them!? No matter how much self-control you have, it is hard to say no to home-made food, cuddling on the couch and indulging in all of the sweet treats.

This year however, I am trying harder than ever to get to the gym AND watch what I eat now, and around the holidays. The way I see it, you just can’t indulge all the time. Picking and choosing your favorite holidays indulgences is OK and something I see as one of life’s simple pleasures.

The recipe below is one that is totally easy, but makes for the perfect satisfying bite when craving something sweet. Eating a portion of this bark will cut your sweet craving and prevent you from indulging.Festive Chocolate Bark

This is also a treat I am going to bring to holiday parties for everyone to enjoy and/or for a gift. Make the bark, break it up and put it into a tin gift box or display it nicely on a holiday plate. It is homemade, simple and sweet!

I call it “festive” bark because the toppings can change with the season. For this time of year I chose to do half with almonds, cranberries and sunflowers seeds, and the other half with Trader Joe’s Coconut Cashews – another festive option would be peppermints. In the summer you could top it with a variety of dried fruits, or pumpkin seeds in the fall.

No matter when you decide to indulge, choose this bark as your holiday dessert, a replacement of the standard Christmas cookie and/or as a “healthier” option to satisfy your sweet tooth. Don’t deprive yourself, it is all about balance! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Enjoy!Festive Chocolate Bark (10)Festive Chocolate Bark (11)



  • 2 cups(one bag) meltable semi-sweet chocolate disks
  • nuts, dried fruits, seeds etc. – to taste

1. Place 1 or 2 sheets of wax paper of cookie sheet.

2. Melt the chocolate in a microwavable safe dish. Cook in 30 second intervals and stir at each break until completely melted.

2. Spread melted chocolate out on wax paper as thin or thick as you would like.

4. Sprinkle toppings.

5. Leave on kitchen counter at room temperature until harden – I made mine at night around 8:00 and it was the perfect consistency to cut in the morning.Festive Chocolate Bark (7) Festive Chocolate Bark (8) Festive Chocolate Bark (9)DSC_0040

Eat PA: Mamie’s Cafe

If you have recently been brunching, lunching and/or dining out at any time of day, no matter where you are, a restaurant that keeps it simple is one that can never go wrong. Many new restaurants have taken the idea of a simple and rustic eatery, added some chic decor and you have yourself a trendy little spot that everyone is raving about. However, if you are from Blair, or surrounding counties in Pennsylvania, you know that no one has seen simple, rustic and wholesome cooking/dining until you have visited Mamie’s Cafe in Martinsburg, Pa., my second stop on the Eat PA tour.

Mamie’s Cafe has reached and reserved a special place in my and my family’s hearts over the years through word-of-mouth from friends. Eating at Mamie’s and not talking about it after is something that just doesn’t happen. So, when my family and I made the trip out to the Cove several years back it was quite evident what everyone has been raving about.

Although they are known for having the best doughnuts and Ruben sandwich’s in the county, I flock to the cafe for my favorite meal of the day, breakfast. Not only do they serve breakfast items including; Creme Brulee Oatmeal, french toast prepared anyway you could imagine, seasonal pancakes, omelettes and more, but they have a full bakery consistently stocked with fresh doughnuts, cookies, pastries, pies, dumplings and more. Speaking of fresh, ALL of the ingredients are indeed fresh and everything is 100% homemade – all at a VERY reasonable price. Mamies (12) Mamies (13) Mamies (14) Mamies (15)

When it comes to the simplicity side of things, Mamie’s is as simple as it gets. Order, get your own silverware, get your own drink and take your own seat. If you are looking for home-style cooking and dining, Mamie’s is as close as it gets without actually being at home.Mamies Mamies (2) Mamies (3)

This past weekend I made a trip to Mamie’s with my mom, sister, niece and nephew- the perfect morning all girls date, plus our sweet little Finn. Not even planning to do so, we all ordered something totally different which provides a great display of the wide variety of items that Mamie’s Cafe has on their menu.

Mom – Veggie Omelette

  • onions
  • peppers
  • tomatoes
  • mushrooms
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • cheese
  • toast – ryeMamies (9)

Bridget – A.J. Special

  • eggs – dippy
  • bacon
  • fried potatoes
  • toast – wheatMamies (8)

Me (Elle) – Peanut Butter Banana French Toast

  • bananas
  • peanut butter
  • french toast
  • maple syrup
    Mamies (10)
    Mamies (11)

Gretchen – Kids Pancake
Mamies (6)Mamies (7)

Whether you are craving something hearty, savory, sweet or rich – Mamie’s can provide you any option you are looking for. And don’t ever worry about going home hungry – not only is the food literally to die for, but the portions are perfectly large.

I promise you, you will not be disappointed by this place – no one ever is. Like them on Facebook and be tempted everyday. Or, take a look here to see what they are all about – Simple, Fresh American Cuisine – perf.

Price Guide- 

Veggie Omelette: $7.50
A.J. Special: $9.00
Peanut Butter Banana French Toast: $7.50

Food For Thought –


Friendsgiving 2014

After experimenting in the kitchen, getting creative with my small dining space and coordinating with a great group of friends, my first Friendsgiving experience was a success!
friendsgivingThe above homemade invitations were sent out a few weeks ago and my excitement that everyone was able to make it was overwhelming. Pulling together tables, chairs, decor and kitchenware was actually a fun experience. With limited resources and a few borrowed items, I was able to use our new home in a way that I never have before.

Music, drinks, food and beautiful friends was all I wanted and it was exactly what I got. The afternoon was spent eating, drinking, talking, more eating, reminiscing and more eating. With literally ALL of my best friends still in school, pulling this together for us all to be in the same place at the same time was a delightful treat.

So, Friendsgiving 2014 was indeed a success and a festive gathering I hope I can plan for years to come. Furthermore, this post would not be complete if I did not mention how 100% absolutely positively thankful I am for each of these gorgeous women and how truly blessed I am for having them in my life. YOU ALL ROCK!

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