Athleisure Lovers Rejoice!

The Gods have opened up the gates and have granted the one wish we  women have all been praying for: athletic wear is now socially acceptable to casually wear in public (yes, this includes yoga pants!) Add these two topics of discussion together and you have one of the fashion industries’ most talked about topics, #Athleisure – and man oh man am I loving it!

If you have ever been to college, had a full-time job or just naturally enjoy being comfortable, yet presentable, your level of excitement is probably just as high as mine. Coming home from your daily grind, rolling out of bed to head to class or if you ever left the house thinking “I’d rather not wear colored jeans, a blouse and heels to run to the grocery store” then you know exactly what I am talking about.

So let’s break this down. First and foremost, this isn’t a new concept. Women everywhere have turned to this style daily, at various times of their life. However, what makes the whole idea even better is that yes, that fashion industry is indeed turning it into something to talk about, but we no longer have to rely only on those “sporty” brands to make our athleisure purchases (Nike, Reebok, Adidas etc.) That’s right, casual-wear brands and more are turning to athletic lines that we females have turned in to something more than just articles of clothing to wear while we burn those cals. Brands like Free People, Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie even Lilly Pulitzer, are all trying to work their way into this market to fit the needs of athleisure lovers everywhere. We also can’t forget about the the brands that have already been in the game for quite some time like, Lululemon, Athleta, Patagonia and more, while also remembering that for every great athleisure outfit comes a cute pair of sneaks, try these or these. And like every other clothing trend accessories are important; watches, headbands and other accessories are all necessities.

So athleisure lovers rejoice! If you loved it before, you’ll love it even more now.  The market for this trend is continuing to grow – which from my perspective is phenomenal! Women of all ages embrace this look and I hope this is a trend that never goes out of style (if it does I will carry it on!)

Personally, I turn to athleisure quite often. Obviously when heading to a workout, but now even to run errands, hangout with friends or lounge around the house. I am not afraid to admit that I am also very jealous of those who work in an environment where athleisure is acceptable – at my office, not so much, but a girl can dream. So once again athleisure lovers, rejoice! We can live a cute, casual and comfortable life in our athleisure clothes and enjoy every minute of it!Athleisure1 Athleisure2 Athleisure3 Athleisure5 Athleisure7 Athleisure8 Athleisure9

For related articles check out: this, this, this, and this.

Liebster Award

So there is this super cool blog movement being tossed around for those up and coming in the blogosphere. It is an awesome way to discover new blogs, meet new people and spread the good vibes that blogs give. I was nominated by Randi and would like to thank her for doing so, it has definitely be fun way to get new names out there!

For “official” rules of this award, click the button below.


My answers to Randi’s questions are as follows:

Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog when I was a freshman in college and I did so because I became absolutely obsessed with Elsie and Emma from A Beautiful Mess. I continue to blog because it has turned in to an idea and memory library for myself and anyone else that is interested in reading. My life has changed tremendously since I began writing and so does Elle Whitney. From style to life changes and more– I think it is so cool that I can look back at posts and see how much I have changedCapture

What does a normal day in your life look like?

 A normal day for me is up at 4:45 to workout and I am at work by 7:00. I have a lunch break at 12:00 and during this time I either get in another workout, run errands, and/or write/read. I get off of work at 4:00 where my nights consist of working at my mom’s bridal shop, Crossfit or group fitness, making dinner and relaxing at my house with my boyfriend. Monotonous- but I love every second it.

What is the best job you’ve ever had?

The best job I have ever had is being Aunt Chitty. Becoming an aunt has been and will continue to be the best job I have acquired until I have my own children. Gretchen and Finnegan are the two most lovable and joyful children I have ever encountered.10408484_10100152266623299_6435375236318952107_nWhere is your favorite place to shop? 

Definitely Old Navy and TJ Maxx. I love both of these stores because they are affordable  and it is quite clear that my fashion sense has changed since graduating college and both of these provide options that are now what I prefer.

What is your favorite meal?

I currently do not often sit down and eat any large meals, unless I am at a family dinner or out to eat. However I do enjoy a huge refrigerated honeycrisp apple with crunchy peanut butter or a bowl of mashed cauliflower.

What is your favorite accessory?

A smile – cheesy but true. Everyone’s lives, including my own, is so much better when I am happy and positive.

If you could travel anywhere tomorrow, where would you go and why?

Colorado – heading there this August and I am just too excited for it. I can’t wait to hike and enjoy the amazing views.all-pics-downloaded-from-12-2011-to-8-2011-730

What’s one beauty product you cannot live without?

            Coco butter – my staple.

What’s your favorite season and why?

            Totally fall – sucker for all the white girl favorites AND because in the past, all of my most favorite memories have occurred during fall months.

If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have 3 things, what would they be? (Real original, I know)

One- a HUGE jar of crunchy peanut butter.
Two – Taylor, my boyfriend, he is insane – but he keeps me sane and he makes me laugh more than anyone I have ever known. He would provide superb entertainment on said island.
Three – The Bible, just recently started reading different passages, convinced all life lessons can be obtained in this book.

Now for a few new ladies, I would like to nominate:

  1. Becca Shaw: The Cow Chronicler 
  2. Sarah Selip: Pittsburgh & Pearls
  3. Sam Casale:
  4. Meghan Counsman: Candidly Couner
  5. Rebecca Hunter: Healthy Foods For You

11 questions for you girls:

  1. Describe your blog in two sentences or less.
  2. What is your current Netflix binge? Or, favorite TV show?
  3. I am a lover of life’s simple pleasures – what is one of yours?
  4. What is your favorite sweet treat?
  5. What is your favorite book?
  6. Why do you blog?
  7. Kittens or puppies? Why?
  8. What is your favorite form of fitness or exercise?
  9. What is your favorite magazine?
  10. Upload your all-time favorite picture here:
  11. What is your favorite Instagram account and why?

Pumpkin Spice Brilliance

Studying, and now working in the marketing, advertising and communications field has allowed me to become somewhat numb to everyday marketing tactics that are used. However, when I see something that is crafty enough to get me to take a picture and write a post about – then it is a clear sign it is a marketing scheme that has not only caught my attention, but worked.


I went to grab the mail after work and this small treasure is what I found. An envelope – one that felt as if it was a personal invitation of some sort. Yet, to my surprise it was a gift from Discover. A $5 Starbucks gift card – strategically decorated in a festive orange causing one thought to cross my mind – The Pumpkin Spice Latte.

What a wonderfully executed plan by Starbucks, teaming up with Discover to deliver this gift exactly one day after its release – not to mention a solid $5 which will provide me with one deliciously crafted Pumpkin Spice Latte. The strategy, brilliance and simplicity of this perfect marketing tool has once again, allowed me to see why I love what I do how the small things can often mean the most to a customer.Starbucks

An Accomplished List

Work is a lovely, yet tedious place. As I become more settled in to my position, I find more projects and responsibilities begin to pile up and I see myself not only in an organizing frenzy, but frazzled about my work and what I am honestly getting done. Each day I come to work and make the popular To-Do list. A list of everything I must get done before leaving my desk each day. While totally necessary, a To-Do list keeps me organized but also drives me a little crazy. I have time each day assigned to each project, but then there are the office drop-ins, unexpected needs from other employees and a long list of things that inevitably occur every day. For someone who is a work horse and goes a little stir-crazy when all her work doesn’t get done, not accomplishing everything on that list can create some unnecessary anxiety.

It was at this point that I realized I need to start keeping a list of things that are already done, to allow myself to fully understand that while my list of things “to-do” is continuously getting longer, so is my list of things I have accomplished. Creating an “Accomplished List” has by far been that best idea I have had since my start date.  It has allowed me to see the that yes I have a lot to do but, I have accomplished even more and even just this small reminder of accomplishment is enough for me to take a deep breath, get organized and continue to chug along tackling each new task as it comes my way.

Reminding yourself that you are doing your best, working your hardest and trying to produce ideas and content to the best of your ability has been a great tactic that has worked wonders for me after entering this industry. Feeling a sense of anxiety has ultimately gotten me nowhere, but more behind and with a To-Do list that is longer than my Accomplished. The simple task of writing down what you have finished takes only seconds and provides you day-long motivation!

Accomplished List

“Industry Talk”

It has been over a month since I have begun my job and I have already learned a great deal, however there are still times I feel totally out of the loop. Walking into a company that is a part of an extremely complex industry was indeed the only apprehension I had before my start date. Despite that, I knew I was going to be doing work that I love, as well as learning about international industries that I eventually would have a great understanding of.

Being in the office and partaking in my daily duties, project responsibilities and contributing to office and ongoing conversation, has obviously helped greatly when wrapping my head around the business. However, being the social media/marketing/communications buff that I am, taking my own interests in to consideration when attempting to learn as much as possible about what goes on in the business seemed to be the most practical way of learning.

While researching for a large social media project I have been working on, I have noticed that “Industry Talk” on several social media platforms has really allowed me to get a good grasp on the ins and outs of the business, as well as what is currently going on in the industry. With the use of hashtags, trending topics that are picked up by almost every newspaper and even talked about on national news stations, manufacturing, although some may say dull, boring and technical, can produce exciting and engaging conversation topics not just between you and co-workers, but nationally and internationally.

Although I could not find a clear definition of “Industry Talk” my understanding of the term is one that represent social conversation about the industry you work in. This can be done verbally, through email and/or through social media, using hashtags(#), keywords, or links, and including the company or industry involved. Whether you are discussing something respective to your company, a topic being tossed around in the news or one that is trending on social sites, “Industry Talk” is a way to communicate your area of business at a much larger scale than those you share an office with.

Not only have I been going out of my way to search for “Industry Talk” but, I have also been trying to set myself up so the “Industry Talk” can come to me. I have taken some time to follow and will continue to follow competitors, leaders and more among the industry, on each social media site. Learning about large rugged pieces of equipment is much easier when reading from an attractive brochure, articles on national newspapers, written as editorials in trade publications or tweeted with a trending hashtag.

Depending on what industry you work in, and more specifically what department or division you are working for, taking the necessary steps to provide the easiest, most enjoyable way of mastering your industry will indeed come in handy. Along with understanding the industry better, this process will also help prepare me for a future responsibilities. Taking part in “Industry Talk” on various social sites and responding to mentions and comments are going to be a few of my future social media responsibilities. Discovering how this ‘talk’ goes down, as well as tools like, which will assist me in finding trending topics and will benefit me greatly in the near future.

Who knew that my love and knowledge of all things social would benefit me in such a rugged, male-dominate, and technical industry!?

App Feature: Map My Run

Working out and staying in shape has always been a great passion of mine, and honestly was never something I gave much thought to because of my involvement in sports. However, now that I am no longer a collegiate athlete I thought that I might put fitness in the back burner. This statement is far from the truth. Knowing that I do not have a sporting event to attend has motivated me even more to hit the gym and really try to diversify my workouts.

Over the past few months I have tried quite a few different approaches; crossfit, yoga and stretch focused workouts and circuit training. I have enjoyed all of these for different reasons and have been able to implement a little of each in my workouts throughout the week. But, there is one activity that has become prominent in my daily routine and the Map My Run Toptionsmore I do it the more I seem to enjoy it. Running.

I have always jogged to keep myself in shape, but ultimately, it was never something I really enjoyed. However, lately I have been running a few miles almost five times a week and I thoroughly enjoy it.

While running is really as simple as it gets when it comes to working out, I discovered a new and fabulous app that makes it even more simple and easy. Map My Run is an app that I have downloaded on my smartphone and instantly got addicted. It is a fitness tracking app that enables you to use your smartphone’s GPS to track and route a run.  When using your GPS on Map My Run you can record workout details such as, duration, distance, pace, speed, elevation, calories burned and the exact route traveled. Your workout results can be saved and reused for future workouts and routes, as well as, your comprehensive workout history.

When I discover a new app I usually get totally enthralled in it for quite a while. If it is a fitness app, likeDisplaying Screenshot_2014-05-20-16-51-38.png my current obsession, it becomes a great motivator to get out there and run and see exactly how the app works. At the end of the day it is a win-win situation, an awesome new app resource, as well as, great motivation to continue to my love for running.

I encourage you all to download the app on your smartphone and get out and run. Whether you run to relax, or as a way to push yourself, there is no better way to enjoy the fresh air. Choosing a route and running the exact distance, burning the exact calories has never been easier!

“Wholesome” Change Is Here

“This is wholesome.” It is these three words that are last stated at the end of a commercial that portrays the number one media trend; reflecting diversity. While the tagline is “This is wholesome,” my thoughts were, THIS IS AWESOME.

With my focus in school on public relations, advertising, media and marketing, I have learned everyday just how much all forms of media influence and reflect our society. However, bi-racial, disabled, tattooed and gay couples are nothing new to America, yet it took quite sometime for the media to back up the reality of our society.

No matter how long it took it is here and I love it! The most recent, and my favorite, is the Honeymaid “Wholesome” commercial. Not only did they feature a variety of diverse families, the verbal copy pulls you in, engages you with the visual and communicates the perfect message.

Even as a conservative young gal these changes are real and it is my opinion that it is about time the media reflected it. The word “wholesome” that Honeymaid uses is an impeccable one that provides an image and a feeling that makes it difficult to reject the honesty of the campaign.

While diverse families are nothing new, diversity reflected in the media is. Honeymaid has taken precedent as my favorite commercial, but there are a few that are close to follow. Cheerios, Guinness, Banana Republic and Swiffer are just four of the brands that have implemented diversity in media campaigns. These campaigns include disabled folks and gay and bi-racial couples. What I love about each commercial is the message of acceptance, and more specifically, even though certain brands are accepting our country’s change, the product isn’t changing. “No matter how things change, what makes up wholesome never will,” a statement made by Honeymaid and one that can be carried on to all walks of life.

Photo from YouTubeGuinness Commercial

Banana Republic CommercialSwiffer Commercial

Facebook Professional

So I have made it, my last semester of college.  As reality of entering the ‘real world’ begins set in, so do nerves, excitement, apprehension, and relief. That’s right, although I am beyond excited to begin this next chapter of my life, it seems only normal that I am also a little nervous about what is going to come next. However, if there is one thing I am sure of, it is how I am going to approach this process.

Beginning to apply for a job is like building your own brand. Everything you have have done, how you dress, your accomplishments and so much more are wrapped up into one cover letter, resume, portfolio and a first impression interview. In 2014 with technology and social interactions ruling a majority of life, as young professionals, we must do this process right!

A few years ago I began to notice that the day before spring semester began many graduating seniors change their Facebook name. I would see a new name come up in my feed wondering, “Who is John Michael”, however when I clicked on it, it is the John Smith that I do indeed know. As students prepared for graduation, it seemed like an unsaid rule to change your Facebook name and privacy settings so future employers would not be able to see any embarrassing college photos you may have, or any of the Facebook rants we regretfully posted while we were unconsciously enraged.

Now, while many of my friends and others who are preparing to enter the professional world are taking time to change their Facebook, I have decided to opt out. I will keep my privacy settings exactly how they were when I was a freshman and I will not change my name to Elle Whitney. After firsthand experience and reading the endless number of articles about professional life and Facebook, I see it totally necessary to keep my real name and to allow my future employers to stock me in anyway they may please. Why? In 2014 social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.) are all applications, platforms, marketing/advertising tools, and more that are widely used and accepted throughout our culture. While these are tools that were created to stay connected and share information, they are now used more than ever for marketing, advertising and communication reasons. It is because of this that employers want to know you are responsibly active on these sites and understand how they work. No matter what industry you are in social media can be integrated and utilized. Providing obvious proof that you know how to use these platforms to market the product you know more about than anything else (yourself) will provide you a great advantage. Not only will your RESPONSIBLE presence be looked at positively but, think about what first comes to mind when you see someone who has strict privacy settings or is not present on social media sites at all.  I am sure all of us can agree that what is going through our mind is, “What do they have to hide?”

Yet, the key word behind this idea is RESPONSIBLE. I do indeed promote an open social site for employers to view, however, responsibility about posts, pictures, videos etc. are absolutely important. The way I think of it, is you wouldn’t see Coca Cola, McDonald’s, Nike and other top brands posting inappropriate or irresponsible photos or posts on any social media site. As you begin to build your brand in your early twenties, make it the best, most reliable brand ever!

Maintaining a positive presence on your social media sites also allows employers to have a better grasp on who they are hiring. Now, more than ever, personal brands and the ability to see more than just a professional side of someone is not only accepted, but encouraged. By keeping your social sites open to the public you are inviting people to get to know the real you, the professional, goofy and any other side that you have to offer.

Superbowl Social Ad-ditions

While most were getting ready for the big game by putting on their favorite jersey, preparing food and drinks, and travelling to a friend’s house, I was charging all my tech gadgets (lab top, cell phone and tablet) and preparing not only to write my commercial analysis for class, but also to be totally overwhelmed, and involved, with the social media. Throughout the game I stayed totally engaged, both through the television and the internet. However, I was surprised, yet ecstatic, to find that I was more entertained by the social media buzz than I was with the television advertisements and the actual football game.

The internet was bombarded, with Twitter ads, hashtags, even Instagram pictures, and everyone was getting involved and engaged with the game no matter who they were rooting for. The Twittersphere was taken over by #EsuranceSave30 and the questionable marketing decisions by JC Penney and their drunk… I mean tweets made with mittens on. Whether the JC Penney stunt was considered a success or not, it got people talking and personally, I made my first visit to the retailer’s Twitter page, creating awareness that was before unnoticed. It’s marketing/advertising moves like this that really get us to notice which brands are indeed staying creative to be involved in what is said to be advertising’s biggest day.

With new way to advertise and promote other than television commercials throughout the Superbowl, you get a great sense of what creativity really is. This holds true to brands who use social media to engage with viewers, or how retail and other brands that have nothing to do with football are able to show their creative twist on their interest in the game.


An awesome use of social media was Esurance, who waited to advertise in the first spot AFTER the game was over. They poked fun at big brands who spent millions to advertise during the game. They then told viewers that because they waited, they saved about 30% of their money, which they were going to give away to someone who hashtagged ‘EsuranceSave30″. It was a great way for them to engage consumers and really provide proof of the importance and success ability of social media.

One of the coolest parts of the Superbowl is how brands who do not advertise on television for the game still find some way to show they are involved. Brands like Tide, Pepsi and Bud Light utilized Twitter to show that whether they advertised on TV or not, they weren’t going to let the game go by without engaging there customers. Bud Light incorporated a Vine video that played off of their television ad. Pepsi advertised on Twitter reminding viewers to stock up on Pepsi as they watched The Pepsi Half Time Show.


Screenshot_2014-02-02-18-51-32@Tide was able to advertise on Twitter promoting a ‘clean’ halftime show, while mentioning the sponsor @Pepsi. It’s really interesting to see how these brands remain creative by staying involved with what is going on in pop culture, even if they have nothing to do with the event. Great examples of this was also represented all over Instagram. Some of my favorite retailing brands did a great job of posting and engaging their customers, even though these fashion brands were pretty much irrelevant to the Superbowl. These brands include Free People, Tj Maxx, Kate Spade, Anthropologie, and The Limited. Some posted party ideas, recipe tips, and even models in different jerseys, insinuating they were getting ready for the big game too! These posts were obviously targeted to the female viewership of the game, but again, it totally intrigues me to see how all brands are continuing to stay creative in how they reach their audience and come together for a day most Americans consider a national holiday.

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What is Important?

Just this past week an article was published on Mashable on how teens may be losing interest in Facebook and how it may effect this company. Yet, how important is it for teens to remain loyal users of Facebook?


In terms of social advertising are teens really that important? The article states that most Facebook advertisers are focusing more of their attention on the users who fall in the 25-40 age range. Why? They have jobs, they have money, therefore they have the purchasing power.

Either way I am sure it is quite obvious that many of us have noticed that the popularity among Facebook has indeed shifted to a older demographic. I have asked my 15 year old brother several times why he never gets back to me on Facebook and he simply replies that Facebook is ‘lame’. All he and his middle school mates take time to care about is Instagram and Twitter. For the longest time I have been referred to by parents and grandparents as the one on top of trends and the latest social media, yet why is my brother, who is a freshman in high school, making me feel like I am not keeping up with the latest social media trends?


In interesting point that I was able to take from Mashable article was the idea that when Facebook was at its prime, and was beginning to be adopted by many, the demand for social media sites and outlets was high. We all had Myspace and then came along Facebook. What was going to be next? What indeed followed Facebook were social media sites that were one of the most ideal forms of target marketing. We saw social sites emerge that were simple, yet still specific to what Facebook tried to put all together in one outlet.  The article states that teens ages 14-18 have a low attention span and it is this point that could be why other social media sites are thriving among the teen demographic; they are most concentrated and focused on just one aspect. (Twitter- short tweets, Instagram- a photo)

About five years ago when Facebook was literally on the rise it was indeed common to say, “ There is no way I would accept my mom’s friend request” or “I don’t want my dad seeing what is on my wall”. Oh boy have times changed. In the year 2014 I think it is safe to say that many of us are not just friends with our parents on Facebook, but our grandparents!

In retrospect, I am up to date with the social media trends, however, I unlike my younger brother, was a bit more reluctant to let go of the site that started it all. I am present and active on almost every social media outlet; Twitter, Instagram, G+, Pinterest, Vine, Tumblr, Linked In and even Facebook.

While Mashable makes many valid points about the position teens have on Facebook and where the company may go from here, Facebook seems to be right on point in terms of their target and where they are headed. With stock prices for the company up 120% in the last six months it looks very hopeful. The proof of the shift in demographics for Facebook is valid, all the right people are actively participating in Facebook activities in order for it to continue to grow.