Love, Enjoy And Appreciate It All

My temporary break from blogging will cease in the upcoming days. I love blogging and updating all my readers on what is currently going on in my life. However, sometimes I sit back and think, have I become too obsessed with keeping track, writing down ideas and photographing every aspect of my life? It was when this realization occurred that I told myself I needed to take a step back and live a few days enjoying the presence of the people I love and beautiful community I live in.

Throughout the past week I have enjoyed countless festive experiences with the people I adore most. I have also regained my focus on both my physical and work goals. There are so many amazing happenings in my life and to not fully enjoy each one would be a sin. I promise, I will be back with more updates. With fall foliage in full swing (my favorite time of year) I have really appreciated each exciting situation I have been apart of the last week, and recognizing that the community I live in, the people I surround myself with and the awesome events that God puts in front of me are all gifts that I should not only share with all of you, but deeply appreciate and enjoy myself.

Enjoy this amazing photograph I pulled from my church’s Facebook page of my favorite small town in the USA.1492204_705501506185065_8578744499335119889_o

High Five for Friday : 10/3/2014

It is a beautiful fall day, I’m heading to a football game then off to Columbus for Gretchen’s 2nd birthday! This week went incredibly quick – made a huge dent in my work, got a few amazing ideas for the blog and was able to see all my best buddies from college.

1. First and foremost, homecoming was this past weekend and it was absolutely amazing! The weather was beautiful and spending time with my friends was better than I even imagined. It is crazy to think I am a Saint Vincent alumni – because it feels like I should still be there! Also – my two best friends were on homecoming court – both highly deserving queens!HIgh Five for Friday - 1HIgh Five for Friday - 11

2. Taylor and I left SVC homecoming on Sunday morning and headed straight to the Steeler game in Pittsburgh. We had no plans, or intentions, of going to the game, but a good friends gave us tickets over the weekend and we couldn’t resist. Again – we were blessed with great weather and it was my first NFL game!High Five for Friday 2

3. The leaves are changing everywhere and it is making the world so beautiful! The changing of the leaves means so much more than just a pretty sight – it brings a warm sense of comfort to any town. This also brings a change not only in the feel of the air, but in the smell. There is just something so magical about this time of year and colorful leaves are proof.High Five for Friday 3

4. Received this in the mail and couldn’t be any more excited about a birthday party. More on this later!HIgh Five for Friday - 4

5. Finally – as minuscule and simple as this may be, my grandfather came over to hang a few pictures in our house today. Before today nothing has been hung and our walls have been bare. With the few items we did hang, slowly, but surely, our home is coming together and really starting to feel like ‘home’.HIgh Five for Friday - 5

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday!

Sand Storm – Neutrality At Its Finest

Elle Whitney - Sand StormWhen it comes to nail polish, no matter what time of year or what I am wearing, I am a fan of subtle and neutral colors. Soft pinks, shades of red, clear, sands and ivories are my absolute “go-to”. My most recent find, Sally Hansen of course, was Sand Storm – 113 in their Intsa-Dri collection.

Its name is a perfect description, because once the polish dries it does indeed look like sand. Whether you are wearing army green, chambray, burgundy, orange or other festive colors, this specific polish complements them all.

I have been enhancing my polish with Sally Hansen’s Miracle Gel Top Coat. When you purchase this it comes with a Miracle Gel color, which I have used, however I have been using the top coat with all my polish. It gives it a shiny and professional look and protects the color from chipping for days.Elle Whitney - Sand Storm (3)Although this is not a review, rather just a brief write-up about the perfect nail color for fall – I can confidently say that both of these products are pleasers. Insta-Dri because it does dry so unbelievably fast and the Miracle Gel, because it protects and gives your nails a professional look no matter what color you paint on.

I the see the warm and varying colors of this time of year steal the show in fashion – which is how it should be! Don’t overwhelm your outfit of choice with an obnoxious nail color. Keep it classy, but stunning, by painting on a neutral color that will complement anything you wear.Elle Whitney - Sand Storm (2) Elle Whitney - Sand Storm (4)

[Tuesday’s Taste – Apple Coleslaw]

Biting into a crisp clean apple is one of my favorite things to do, especially this time of year. I don’t think I have tried an apple I didn’t like and enjoy them in all forms – pies, dumplings, sauce, butter and more. While brainingstorming for a good apple recipe idea, deciding on coleslaw was a bit odd for me. I am not a fan of regular coleslaw, but I knew that adding apple would make it much sweeter – and adding sweetness to anything is always better!

The recipe is simple and you could definitely consider this to me a semi-homemade recipe – making it much easier and efficient during a busy week. I piled my apple coleslaw on top of an apple BBQ pulled pork sandwich – it not only won my taste buds over, but Taylor’s too! The perfect combination of savory and sweet.
Elle Whitney - Apple Coleslaw

  • 1 Package of premade coleslaw – no dressing (shredded cabbage and carrots)
  • 1 large Granny Smith apple – julienned
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon poppy seeds
  • Salt and pepper – to taste

1. Combine coleslaw package and apple in large bowl.

2. In a separate bowl – whisk together mayo, olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, poppy seeds, salt and pepper.

3. Pour whisked mixture on top of coleslaw and stir using a rubber spatula.

4. Keep cool in refrigerator for at least an hour.

5. Pile coleslaw on pulled pork sandwich and ENJOY!

*** For Apple BBQ Pulled Pork Sauce – combine 1 cup of your favorite BBQ, sauce, 1 cup of apple butter and 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar. Mix together, marinate and cook into pulled pork.

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Fall Florals

Fall florals, prints and bright colors are so in and I love it! Don’t put away those bright and colorful pieces from summer just yet. My favorites stores are all filled with different items in various floral prints – whether you are interested in tops, sweaters, blouses, skirts, even pants, they have them! What I am seeing most often are vibrant prints matched with the warm and darker colors of fall. One of my favorite looks that I have found are earth colored florals and leather. Another of my favorites is the same look, but with a jean jacket.

Now instead of running out to purchase a new set of florals (although, I’m never opposed to shopping) – think about recycling your summer prints. The top that I have on today is one that I purchased at the very beginning of summer from J. Crew Factory. Despite the fact that it is an entire season late, it still works! The key here is what you decide to pair it with. Like mentioned, if you pair floral with the appropriate pieces it can really be worked in to any and every season.

Booties are in for fall – the nude ones I am wearing have been my go-to thus far. Secondly, a black mini skirt. Leather, black jeans, black skirts and more are a great look to turn to when dressing for fall. With such a loud top, I kept my accessories simple – pearl earrings and bracelets (my favorite!)

My choice to pull my hair back in a loose pony was made to keep the attention on my floral top. Draw attention to the piece you want to highlight by pulling back in other areas – pun intended.

Elle Whitney - Fall FloralsElle Whitney - Fall Florals (2)Elle Whitney - Fall Florals (3)Elle Whitney - Fall Florals (2)

*If you are looking to dress this look up even more, try a pearl necklace to match your other accessories.

Elle Whitney - Fall Florals

What are your favorite fall florals?!  Share your ideas/links and get inspired!

Shop the look –

Transitional Window Decor

As time goes by we slowly find our home coming together – one room at a time we are able to decorate and make it our own. The first room I wanted to concentrate on is also my favorite room – the sun room, or what I like to call my breakfast nook. My love for color and brightness definitely shines through in this area – I am a firm believer that the decor you surround yourself with plays a vital role in a happy and healthy life.

Elle Whitney - Window Decor

When walking in our side door this glistening room is the one you enter – not only that, but it is also prominently seen by anyone on the outside. With such a vibrantly open space, deciding how to decorate was determined by wanting the decor to work well with both the inside and outside of our home – but also work for the current season(s).

I kept it very simple, concentrating on shades of blue and making a pop with the yellow sunflowers – they do an outstanding job of catching someone’s eye. The blues are a brilliant color that work for both the summer and fall season which are great for this transition period. Not only are the shades of blue a good transitional color – but the yellow sunflowers work well both in the warm and cool months.

Elle Whitney - Window Decor Elle Whitney - Window Decor Elle Whitney - Window Decore Elle Whitney - Window Decor

*Adding these cushions to the stained  wood is a great way to incorporate each shade of blue. At the first sign of winter I will be able to easily switch these out with a dark shade of green which will still work well with the rug. Making the switch to a more festive flower, or green, in the window will also do the trick for transitioning into the Christmas and snowy spirit.

Elle Whitney - Window Decore Elle Whitney - Window Decor DSC_0094This space is such an intimate, yet open one that its versatility makes decorating that much more fun. The space itself provides a unique flair to the home both inside and out. Decorating with the seasons is always a good idea – but having a backdrop of those seasons is a key component to make your space inviting (along with a scented candle).

What techniques do you use when decorating for transition between seasons?

Interested in the navy glass vase? Check out TJ Maxx or Home Goods – they are always stocked with a great variety of this look!

Pumpkin Spice Brilliance

Studying, and now working in the marketing, advertising and communications field has allowed me to become somewhat numb to everyday marketing tactics that are used. However, when I see something that is crafty enough to get me to take a picture and write a post about – then it is a clear sign it is a marketing scheme that has not only caught my attention, but worked.


I went to grab the mail after work and this small treasure is what I found. An envelope – one that felt as if it was a personal invitation of some sort. Yet, to my surprise it was a gift from Discover. A $5 Starbucks gift card – strategically decorated in a festive orange causing one thought to cross my mind – The Pumpkin Spice Latte.

What a wonderfully executed plan by Starbucks, teaming up with Discover to deliver this gift exactly one day after its release – not to mention a solid $5 which will provide me with one deliciously crafted Pumpkin Spice Latte. The strategy, brilliance and simplicity of this perfect marketing tool has once again, allowed me to see why I love what I do how the small things can often mean the most to a customer.Starbucks

Frugal Finds: Photography Decor

Reality is beginning to set in, graduation is literally just days away and decisions about what comes next are being made. I have begun to think even more about moving in to my own place. Naturally what I am most excited about is decorating, even though a distinct budget will have to be followed. Getting excited to decorate a new space while keeping a budget can be a somewhat intimidating job. However, I am beginning to realize that the photography class I took freshman year is really going to come handy.

A photography project that I completed during this course has through the years provided great gifts for grandparents and decoration in my family’s own den. I am now thrilled to duplicate the some of these photos for my own home.

My absolute favorite series of photos I took for this project were of a lonely tree in the middle of a grand agriculture land. This beautiful tree was even more breath-taking with its colorful leaves.


One thing that I have learned in college is that not only art, but beauty in general, is very subjective. I am by no means a skilled photographer, yet I was able to capture a moment that portrays pure beauty (at least in my eyes). Getting these photographs and others of my own printed, framed and hung in my new place is something I simply can’t wait to do. Not to mention, this is the most ideal and very inexpensive form of art that will complement my strict budget that is ahead.


My plans for an overall decoration theme is still in the works, yet I know that these photographs will absolutely be in the plans. Although dealing with a budget may be a little tough, I feel like it is going to challenge me to get even more creative in every aspect of my life. A challenge that will be fun, crafty and brilliant!

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